with Kasia Murfet + Nicki Lobsang
16-19th of May
Holwell Holistic Retreat in Devon
Retreat’s Theme:
Strong Back, Soft Front: A Journey to Your Center
Discover the relationship between resilience, equanimity and self-compassion
Strong back, soft front.
Strong back, soft front is a phrase associated with a Zen Buddhist teacher Roshi Joan Halifax describing our ability to cultivate a relationship between equanimity and compassionate.
Strong back aspires us to stay grounded and strong while maintaining calmness of the heart/mind. Soft front allows us open to life as it is - pleasant, unpleasant or neutral.
During our retreat you will have a chance to explore how Forrest Yoga, Qigong and Meditation can support you in cultivating a strong back and side front.
A Chinese healing art that incorporates intentional movement, meditation, breathwork and visualisations.
Qigong teaches us proficiency. By focusing on form and technique we begin to develop precision and strong body-mind connection. Deliberate movement improves balance, teaches us control, builds stamina and regulates the nervous system.
Qigong doesn't challenge better time under tension (think presses, hangs) but it dares you to be here, now. -
Forrest Yoga
Forrest Yoga is a physical, internally focused Ceremonial yoga practice that emphasises how to carry a transformative experience from the yoga mat into daily life. Four core pillars of the Forrest Yoga are: breath, integrity, strength and spirit.
Forrest Yoga teaches you to become proficient at safely tailoring each pose to work for you, specifically with physical and emotional injuries. By learning to work honestly at your edges, you make possible for integrity, self-awareness and playful curiosity to become part of your daily life.
What’s included?
3 nights stay at eco Wellness centre set within a 13th century Farmstead.
Start each day with meditation, breathwork, Yoga and Qigong.
Time to rest, reflect and connect with others likeminded participants.
Enhance your well-being with cold water swimming, saunas and nutritious veggie meals.
starting from £495
Luxury King w/ Ensuite - £850
Single Bed (Twin Room) w/ Ensuite - £585
Single Bed (Twin Room) w/ Shared Bathroom - £545
Single Bed (Triple Room) w/ Shared Bathroom - £495
DEPOSIT (non-refundable) - £185
Final payment by April 16th
Payment plans available
About the Teachers
Meet Kasia (they/them)Neurodivergant Qigong + Buddhist Meditation facilitator. In their practice Kasia connects the dots between Buddhism, Qigong and Creative Process.
Kasia is currently working on a Masters in Buddhist Studies with the University of South Wales and my research explores whether Zen can really be expressed through (Zen) Arts.
They are an Ordained Lay Sōtō Zen student with the Ordinary Mind UK Zendo.
IG: @kasiamurfet
Meet Nicki Lobsang
Having a Tibetan father meant Nicki grew up with an understanding of Buddhism and the belief that we are all connected in some way or another. This developed for Nicki by exploring other practises and philosophies to understand how we, human beings, can bring about balance to tackle the challenges that the modern world may throw at us. Through the combination of Kinesiology, Yoga and Massage, Nicki is able to tailor her sessions to give your body, mind and soul the attention it needs.
IG: @nickilobsang
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